The research group "Cooperative Autonomous Systems" is performing applied research on the aspects of coordination, cooperation and communication between autonomous or highly automated vehicles, vulnerable road users and transportation infrastructure in complex environments. We are working on design and evaluation of vehicular communication (V2X) protocols, testing and validation of cooperative automated driving functions, such as platooning, development of new concepts for road transport coordination in cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS). We are interested in a transdisciplinary future mobility research and experiments in a real-world lab.
Research Keywords:
- Autonomous Driving
- V2X Communication
- Collective Perception
- Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
- Cooperative Vehicles
- Vulnerable Road Users
- Safety Analysis
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Network Control Aspects
- Network Analysis
- Connected bicycles & e-Bikes
- Vehicle Interfaces
- Driving Simulations
- Cyber-physical systems
We are currently teaching the courses "Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles“ and "Collective Perception in Autonomous Driving“ each summer semester and the course „Human Factors in Autonomous Driving“ each winter semester, as well as a variety of corresponding seminars each semester. For more information please check here.
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